Monday, August 31, 2009

The Psoas

The Psoas Major is a deep internal muscle attached to the front of the vertebrae. It's the true companion* to the Quadratus Lumborum. (The QL is the rectangular hinge muscle that's attached to the back of the vertebrae, ribs, and pelvis).

Also known as the Illiopsoas, it begins in the low back/lumbar vertebrae, goes through the center of the pelvis and attaches to the top end of the femur (thigh bones).

Our Psoas does a number of things, including keeping our low back stable, yet flexible, and raising our knees to our chest.

When our Psoas isn't working properly, we can, and do, have low back pain, tightness, be too flat or swayed, pulling to one side, bulging discs, and trouble raising our legs.

Many people do their work outs and stretches faithfully, in hopes of helping their low back. However, they may only get partial or short term relief. The reason this happens is that they either don't know about their Psoas, or over work their Abs.

Two things are very important for a healthy Psoas. One: maintain proper body weight excess weight and a bulging midriff strains the Psoas). Two: do exercises and stretches that target the Psoas, and/or get body/energy work by someone trained in visceral/motor/proprioceptor techniques that can help reset the Psoas.

Physical exercises that work the Psoas are the "backwards sit up" (done on a physio ball) or on a back sit up machine, and the "V" towel exercise. This is done with a towel held above the head (and parallel to the floor), so you make a "V" with your arms.

Maintain tension on the towel ends and bring the arms about a foot in front of the body, and then back. (Keep towel parallel to floor.) This effectively contracts and relaxes the Psoas as the back and pelvis moves/bends back and forth.

Good yoga stretches for the Psoas include the Cat a Downward Facing Dog. The Feldenkrais pelvic clock or even laying on a rolled up towel (that's been place horizontally under the low back) also work to stretch the Psoas.

Like other muscles, the Psoas needs enough water and Magnesium to make it contract and relax properly. Suggested daily amounts vary from 400 to 800 mg, and Magnesium is more effective when taken with dinner or at bed time.

By properly taking care of the Psoas, it protects and maintains the health of both our core and our low back.

*Companion muscles are defined as being opposite each other on a bone. (Biceps/Triceps, Quads/Hamstrings, & etc.) The Abs attach to our ribs, pelvis, pubic bone, and connective tissue. The Abs do protect our internal organs, help maintain posture, and are important front "hinge" muscles. However, this doesn't make the Abs true companions to the QL, or other back muscles.

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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Vaccines - Part 5 - What You Can Do

The following self help suggestions can be used as preventative, short term support, or long term follow up. They're also very simple and easy to do.

First, and most important, be reasonably healthy all the time. This consists of drinking plenty of water, eating balanced meals, moderate exercise, and rest.

Second, get a copy of the vaccine handout*. Discuss it, and your medical history, with your primary care provider. The small co-pay is very inexpensive for peace of mind. Or call the local public health office, or look it up on the web.

Third, pay close attention to what your body is telling you after a vaccination. (From when you get the vaccine to as long as six weeks.)

Water - be hydrated. Tea, coffee, juice, pop, and alcohol is "food" to the body, due to the trace nutrients/substances in them. One 8 oz. glass of water (per other beverage) and 50 - 75% water in juices helps neutralize them. Better yet, put one or more bite sized pieces of frozen fruit in a glass of water. They're healthy "colorful ice cubes".

PH - acid/alkaline. Being acidic allows undesirable reactions to occur. Balance acidic foods with alkaline ones. Public libraries, nutrition books, & the web all have lists of these.

Exercise - walking works the whole body & naturally moves the blood and lymph. If you do heavy work outs, steam/sauna/pool, or deep massages/detoxing spa treatments - back off/lighten up. It's also not recommended to do a cleanse. These normally healthy things can push a vaccine through the body too fast, & produce unintentional and/or serious consequences.

Rest - if your body/mind/emotions needs a break, honor this. 99.9% of the world's population has a stressed immune system, & a vaccine makes it work even harder. Sleep, cat naps, meditation, & relaxing baths/showers all help. (Showers/baths not too hot, or over 20 minutes,- any longer can actually irritate the nervous system/body.)

Sulfur foods - broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, & etc. These support the immune system, liver & spleen, help build healthy cell walls, and rid the body of heavy metals.

Fiber - pears, apples, veggies, legumes (especially split peas) and whole grains. Bran, fiber supplements**, or apple pectin tablets can be used, too. Wheat bran does not contain wheat protein & is the only bran known to stimulate healthy bacteria growth in the gut. Apple pectin helps rid the body of toxins, especially heavy metals. The lignins in split peas also do the same.

Vitamins - A to Z, whether a daily multiple or individual nutrients. Tablets are denser & contain higher nutrient content than capsules. If a tablet (either regular or time released) snaps in half easily, it's easier to digest. (Hard to break ones don't & vinegar tests are inaccurate, as our stomach acid/gut enzymes are both acidic/alkaline.) Suggested amounts vary, per person/age/state of health.

VITAMIN C supports the immune system, detoxes the body, builds blood cells, & protects capillaries. ESTER C is the most recommended. It's water soluble, non acidic, can be taken by anyone, and/or in high amounts without producing diarrhea. Suggested amounts are 500 - 2,000 mgs per day. (It can even be found in Wal-Mart.)

Minerals - all, especially Magnesium. Mg works to produce light in our cells, relaxes the body, regulates calcium, & does about 300 enzyme functions. Recommended amounts vary from 400 - 800 mgs per day. Babies usually get what they need from mother's milk (if the mother has proper dietary amounts) & food. Children, depending on age, can require from 300 to 800 mgs per day.

Magnesium oxide (most common type) in large amounts, can produce diarrhea. (Try chelated, orotate, etc.) Mg works the best when taken with dinner/before bedtime. Known fact: over 80% of the world's population (especially women) are Mg deficient, and some people/children are even Mg depleted. This can, and does, produce mental, emotional, and physical instability.

Zinc - recommended daily amounts vary between 15 - 30 mgs. During an illness requirements can go as high as 60 mgs per day, however, too much can produce undesired effects. (Zinc can store/build up in the body.) Zinc supports the immune system, our sense of smell, taste, balance, & hearing, and allows us to perspire/sweat properly.

Bioflavinoids - come from the white inner peel of citrus fruit and buckwheat. (Buckwheat is related to rhubarb, & is not wheat.) Bioflavs are co-factors to Vit C, helping C work better, especially for immune support, blood cells, & capillaries. Recommended amount is 500 - 1500 mgs per day. Better yet, take a Vit C (Ester C) that has Bioflavs added.

Antioxidants - combination of different vitamins, minerals, trace nutrients, and/or herbs. Antios are valuable, but make sure they don't counteract or increase the effects of the vaccine ingredients.

L- Histadine - an essential (we need it daily) amino acid, that prevents cells from exploding. (Cells exploding is also known as an allergic reaction.) Histadine is already in many vaccines to help offset reactions. Suggested daily amounts vary from 500 - 5,000 mgs. Again, even though L-H is essential, consult your care provider or nutritionist before taking extra/large amounts.

Pre/probiotics - healthy bacteria (that help make enzymes, support the immune system, & detox the body) can be found in mother's milk, dairy products, & supplements. Be cautious if you have a dairy allergy, or haven't taken probiotics before. If the body is already stressed, or too much is used too quickly, it can produce gas, constipation, and/or diarrhea. Back off, and/or drink extra water.

Herbs - not recommended for at least several weeks. Herbs are great, because (1) they're a "food" and (2) a natural "medicine". However, they do have the highest risk of producing unintentional interactions/reactions with pharmaceuticals. Be safe/wise & wait the short while before using them again.

Seek immediate medical care for: swelling (injections site, neck, armpits, groin, fingers, toes, or joints), rash, loss of breath or ability to swallow (internal swelling/hives can be life threatening), & inability to focus or stay awake.

Other things to watch for are headaches (including sudden/lingering sensitivity to light or sound) lasting longer than an hour, sudden/sustained fevers or chills, strange/sharp unexplained aches/pains, and constipation or diarrhea that suddenly comes on or doesn't go away within an hour. (Babies, children, people with allergies/pre-existing health problems, & elders need to be closely monitored.)

Other support - Reiki, or other energy work, in short sessions. Support your body, so it can deal with the vaccine, rather than stressing it & going into overwhelm. Be educated, use common sense, & don't second guess about getting medical attention. These simple things can, and do, lessen reactions, prevent long term side effects, and save lives.

* every doctor, nurse, or public health care worker that gives vaccines must provide free vaccine handouts/brochures to the public

** fiber supplements must be taken with sufficient water to prevent choking, digestive disturbances, constipation, or diarrhea

Sources:,, and

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Monday, August 10, 2009

Vaccines - Part 4 - Side Effects

Vaccine Side Effects can be viewed as both "truth is stranger than fiction", and "urban legend".

Truth: All vaccine ingredients have known side effects, meaning they cause a "reaction" of some kind. This reaction is simply a chemical change in the body. Vaccines are designed to "stimulate* an immune system reaction", which basically stresses/forces the immune system to produce antibodies against a particular bacteria, virus, or toxin. Many places (schools, day care, employers, military, other countries, etc.) require vaccines, without exception, or whether you agree or disagree.

Legend: All vaccine ingredients are synthetic/toxic. While the majority of ingredients are manufactured, 10 - 50% of the vaccine is from natural sources (sugar, salt, water, etc.). A vaccine makes you immune to a dis-ease, or protects you forever. The reasons vaccines can't/don't are: changes in age, individual body chemistry, illnesses/medications, and new strains of organisms.

So how does a vaccine cause side effects? One, if the immune system is already low or stressed**, the mixed messages causes it to attack all the areas in the body where it senses danger. Two, 50 - 90% of the vaccine contains foreign/potentially deadly toxins, chemicals, and preservatives. Three, some people's immune systems may recognize individual vaccine ingredients, but not when they've been all mixed together.

The body produces "symptoms" (messages) to let us know things are not right. The body's innate intelligence not only displays a symptom where something entered the body, it can/does in other areas, as well. It does this either because that part of the body is already stressed, or the best place to get our attention.

The basic two part reason symptoms vary is: innate intelligence/unique body chemistry, and (approximately) the three days it takes the body to filter all the blood. During that time - depending on how well the liver and spleen works, anything can happen. Once the body has gone into overwhelm, it can also take any where from another three days to years to partially or completely recover, depending on other factors.

Side effects, therefore, can range from swelling, redness at site (or in the eyes, ears, nose, throat, armpits, groin, back of knees, or between fingers and toes), to death.

The most common side effects are: swelling, rashes, headaches, flu like symptoms, flare ups of other allergies, digestive disturbances, pain, mild case of actual dis-ease, and other drug/medication reactions.

Less frequent effects are: long term sensitivities, migraines, continued digestive disturbances or allergies (old or new), moderate case of dis-ease, and immune and/or respiratory problems.

Serious potentially life threatening are: no immunity to dis-ease, convulsions, seizures, shock, heart, lung, liver, or kidney failure, and death.

Any side effect can have the potential to range from simple to deadly. Just because you, or a family member/loved one did or didn't react one time, doesn't mean it'll be that way next time. See Vaccines - Part 5 - What You Can Do.

* "stimulate an immune reaction" is the medical phrase used to describe what a vaccine does
** 95 - 98% of the world's population falls in this category

Sources:,, and

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