Thursday, December 17, 2009
Colon Polyps - Colon Health, part 3
Colon polyps are, a most people know, small growths in the lining inside the large intestine. They've gained a lot of attention the last decade or so, due to their relation to colon cancer.
So exactly what is a polyp? As mentioned above, it's a small growth of tissue that can be smooth/flat, saw tooth, or even look like cauliflower. The most common types are hyperplastic (saw tooth) or adenomas (cauliflower looking). The third kind is referred to as polyosis syndrome (osis meaning condition of), or having certain other hereditory conditions that cause raised or flat polyps to occur, and/or become cancerous.
Any type of polyp can become cancerous, especially if the diet is high in certain types of fat (the so called bad fats) and low in fiber. Dehydration, alcoholism, eating disorders, prolonged bouts of constipation or diarrhea, diverticulitis, Chron's, or Celiac's also stress and/or interfer with the colon's ability to function properly. Chronic stress and inflammation are influences as well.
Currently age is considered the biggest factor regarding why polyps become cancerous, mainly due to dietary and life style influences. Research has shown that the risk increases after the age of 40, which is why it's recommended for middle aged adults and seniors to have regular colonoscopies.
Inherited factors do increase the liklihood of a polyp becoming cancerous, especially if you have a "first family member" (immediate relative like parents, siblings, aunt/uncle, etc.) that has had colon cancer. Race/nationality isn't really considered important, however African Americans are slightly more at risk than other groups.
Certain medications can both increase or slow the growth of polyps. (Check with your doctor or go online to find these). Research does indicate aspirin can slow the process of a pre-cancerous polyp from turning into cancer; however, it's not a recommended therapy/treatment, due to the side effects.
Unfortunately any signs or symptoms of having colon polyps usually are so insignificant that most people don't realize they have them until it's too late. Abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, narrowing of stool, bowel obstructions, etc., can be attributed to many other things, and doesn't always mean a polyp has become cancerous.
However, if any of these signs or symptoms occur for over a week, or there is blood in the stool, anemia, or unusual abdominal pain, it's highly recommended to be examined. When the colonoscopy (light tube used to examine the inside of the colon) is performed, polyps can not only be looked at, they can also be removed. This can prove to not only be an overall healthy preventative measure, it can also save lives.
Self help things are, of course, being hydrated and eating a well balanced diet that includes plenty of fiber and cruciferous vegetables. (These are cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, etc. They support the immune system, and are natural anti-inflammatories.) Other natural immune boosters and anti- inflammatories are supplements like vitamins C and E, and bioflavinoids like Quercetin or Pycnogenol. Decompressing frequently also helps, as stress increases inflammation even in polyps.
Colon cancer is preventable, and very treatable. Proper medical check ups, a healthy balanced diet, and polyp removal are all very viable ways to protect our colon, and overal health and well being.
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Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Auto Intoxication - Colon Health, part 2
As the name implies, Auto (self) intoxication (state of toxcicity) means the body is so full of toxins that one can, and does, feel very ill.
AI can be caused by numerous things. The most common of these are: dehydration, being overly acidic, constant emotional upsets, eating too fast/much, certain medications, harsh cleanses, and Ileocecal Valve Syndrome. (Ileocecal pronounced ill e o seekal.)
Ileocecal Valve Syndrome is considered one of the biggest culprits of AI. It occurs when the valve between the end of the small intestine and beginning of the large intestine is open. This allows undigested matter and toxins to escape back into the small intestine, which is very harmful not only to the small intestine, but the whole body as well.
Symptoms of AI include: headaches, bad breath, gas, constipation and/or diarrhea, chest, arm and low back pain, allergies, ringing in the ears, itching, blood pressure changes, mood swings, sleep disturbances, and dementia, plus a whole host of other imbalances. People with AI can also be as high as 80% acidic, making it very difficult to restore the ph balance of the body's fluids, especially the lymph and blood.
Treatments for AI vary from standard medical ones such as antibiotics, diuretics, anti-inflammatories,etc., to natural remedies such as homeopathy, supplements, massage, or energy work. A change in diet is also recommended to one that is well balanced and consumed in 4 - 6 smaller meals a day, with plenty of water, tea, or fresh vegetable juices. And of course, decompressing frequently can be of benefit, too.
Concerning body and energy work for AI. Chiropractic is the most recommended, then Swedish, Lymphatic, and/or Visceral massage. (Deep Tissue is not recommended to begin with, as this may cause a healing crisis by moving the toxins through the body faster than it can handle.) Visceral (abdominal) massage requires specific training, so always make sure to ask your therapist before considering this type of massage.
Almost any type of good energy work, such as Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, Quantum Healing, Reflexology, and Cranial Sacral are very good for AI. And this is especially true for children or anyone who is overly sensitive or very toxic, as these modalities allow the body to gently come back to balance.
It's estimated that over 90% of the world's population has some form of AI, however it's both very preventable and treatable. Making sure your digestive tract is in good working order also ensures the rest of your body does as well.
Sources:, www.webmd,com,,, and
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Friday, November 13, 2009
Leaky Gut Syndrome - Colon Health, part 1
This 3 part blog series is dedicated to my Uncle Bill, who had both pre-cancerous and cancerous polyps. The cancer has affected his liver, bladder, and now his pancreas. Thank you for your humor and determination to let everyone know your story before the cancer takes you away. (Colon Health, part 3 will be on polyps.)
Leaky Gut Syndrome (also known as Increased Intestinal Permeability) affect millions of people, many of whom don't recognize it, or realize how it affects their health.
LGS is defined as a disorder where the large intestine/colon wall doesn't have the integrity to keep undigested particles and toxins inside and proccessed/released normally. Instead they escape out into the body, affecting the surrounding tissues and organs, and quickly compromise our overall well being.
Babies have more permabeability (leakage) than older children or adults. This is generally due to the small physical size of babies and how their bodies receive and process nutrients before and after birth.
Contributing factors are inherited tendencies, health of both parents when the child was conceived, health/diet of the mother, and any prescription or over the counter medications taken during the pregnancy. Also, after the baby is born, they may not get the nutrients (even if nursed) needed for continued building/growth and functioning of the digestive tract.
After babies, almost twice as many women as men have LGS. Reasons for this are women tend to naturally have a slightly weaker immune system than men, take more medicines for health related issues (so we don't pass them to our children), and so on. Men, however are now realizing many of their health problems are related to LGS, so much so that even "Men's Health" and "Men 4 Health" have mentioned it in their articles.
The most common causes of LGS are: antibiotics, NSAIDS (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), excess wheat or dairy products, cytotoxic drugs (chemo/cancer treatments), alcohol, over growth of Candida (yeast infections), parasites, infections (including fungal), stress, and lack of water and proper nutrients in the diet. And in some people their Ilocecal Valve (ICV) is also stuck open, producing more LGS and auto-intoxication symptoms. (Auto-intoxication is the next blog in this series on Colon Health.)
Hallmark symptoms of LGS are: inflammation, irritability, tenderness/swelling in the lower right abdomen*, gas, indigestion, constipation, diarrehea, allergies, headaches, and so on. It's also a known fact that the liver of people with LGS works almost twice as hard to filter the toxins that escape out into to the blood stream.
When the liver is overworked, our immune system also goes into overdrive, causing it to attack our body in every place the toxins have lodged, producing inflammation.** This has led many to believe that LGS has a direct bearing on autism, MS, fibromylagia, lupus, chronic fatigue, and even cancer. And many researchers and doctors also feel LGS, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Chron's Disease, and Celiac Disease are all interrelated.
While some doctors may prescribe anti-inflammatories and other meds for LGS, the most common way to treat it is naturally. This includes being properly hydrated, eating foods high in fiber, and substituting or avoiding foods that contain wheat, dairy, or have a high sugar or alcohol content.
Supplements used to support the colon so the walls can rebuild are: Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's), probiotics (acidophilus), B12, Gamma Oryzanol, Magnesium, Glutathione, and Glutamine. Note: anyone sensative to MSG, maltodextrin or other glutamate deravitives may not want to use Glutamine.
* not to be confused with the appendix (also located in the same area as the ICV), when appendicitis occurs there is also an elevated white blood count & slight fever
** it's now said that inflammation is either the root cause or biggest contributing factor to almost every disorder and/or disease known
Note: many people with LGS are also sensitive to artificial sweetners, such as Nutrasweet (aspartame) and Splendid (sucralose), so be cautious with these, or use a natural plant non sugar sweetner such as Stevia or the new one made from chicory. (Stevia can even be found everywhere from health food stores to Wal-Mart. Both Stevia and chicory sugar is very sweet so start with small amounts, and increase to desired taste.)
Sources:,,,,,, and "Textbook of Natural Medicine", Joe Pizzorno, ND, 2005.
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Monday, September 28, 2009
You're So Sweet!! (D-Ribose)
Sugar - something we'all like - even when it's gotten a bad rap. However, there's a very valid, innate reason our bodies like sugar, and why we have a "sweet tooth". This is because we're wired to use sugar for ATP (energy production) and make/use oxygen, among other things. However, there's a whole lot more to the story, especially about D- Ribose.
One is, D- Ribose is star stuff. That's right. It's precursor (ancestor) is a sugar called glycolaldehyde, found in the center of our Milky Way. This startling discovery verified what former famous astronomer, Carl Sagan, meant when he said "We're all star stuff."
Finding a "sugar" in the center of the Milky Way had profound implications. These ranged from how it was involved with making stars, the galaxy, light, oxygen, proteins, energy, and etc., right on down to human RNA. (DNA might contain all the proteins/info on how to replicate things, but RNA tells DNA how to do the job.)
We now know D-Ribose does all these things, and maybe even more. And while Ribose isn't considered "essential" (because our body can make it from glucose), many people do have an imbalance with it. This is evident by those who have: metabolic sugar errors (diabetes, hypoglycemia); don't eat a balanced diet that contains enough fruits and vegetables; are in starvation mode; fasting; have an illness; or taking meds that interfere with glucose metabolism.
So what to do? One, make sure you eat a balanced diet that contains several servings of fruit/veggies per day. The second option is (after consulting your primary care provider, local nutrition consultant, or doing a bit of research), take a D-Ribose supplement. (Caution: D-Ribose also occurs naturally in "nutritional yeast", plus Ribose supplements are from fermented corn syrup. If you are sensitive to either of these, you may want avoid them & eat a bigger variety of fruit/veggies instead.)
Athletes take D-Ribose to help with recovery time after hard training sessions, or major events. In the past, it's been questioned if, or how much Ribose helps athletes, but since we now know it's involved with energy production, oxygen utilization, and protein synthesis, it's obvious to see why they do. (Plus it's not a steroid.) More importantly, though, research has shown D-Ribose to help with other, more serious health challenges/imbalances.
These are: congestive heart failure, fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, allergies and asthma (and other breathing/oxygen related disorders), and DNA/RNA disorders. Interestingly enough, most of these involve either oxygen, protein, or endurance problems. Research is also looking into other health imbalances/dis-eases to see how much D-Ribose can play a part in treating them.
These range from treating bacterial infections to cancer, or other viruses. And it would stand to reason that D-Ribose can be a part of the treatment, based on what is already know about it. (Even though D-Ribose is considered natural, it's very important that anyone with any health imbalance/dis-ease consult their primary care provider before taking it.)
So this is why we're all so sweet, and like sweet things. It's because all of us have this natural cosmic sugar in each and every cell in our body, and it's in our nature to replenish it to live. This isn't to encourage over indulging in sugar, but instead to see that we get the good healthy sugar/s we need, and let our "Cosmic star light" shine.
References:,,, www.howstuffworks,,, and
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Carl Sagan,
congestive heart failure,
The Milky Way
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Fear - What We Can Do
Is there really anything we can do about fear, especially since it's an innate part of us? The answer is yes.
The first thing is to know what fear is. Research and experience shows the more we understand something, the less stress we have. Originally, many native cultures believed if you could name something, you owned it. In other words, it didn't own/control you, which is a very valuable concept we can still use today.
Second, ask if the fear is yours, or someone else's. Fear can be both inherited (memory imprints from our ancestors) and learned. Does it serve a purpose? Is it really protecting (or limiting) you? Is/was a choice being made out of/from fear? Is there anything else you can learn or do, that'll make the fear easier to deal with?
Suggestions: practice some simple scenarios that include a safety valve/positive solution of some kind, like self defense classes, watching a tv program or researching what ever is causing the fear. (This way you can limit the exposure until your confidence/ability is where you'd like it to be.)
Third, start with your children. (If you don't have children/they're no longer home, start with your self.) Healthy input includes non judgmental age appropriate comments, conversations, and behavior about fear.
This can be anything from physically looking under the bed/in the closet while verbally reassuring there's no boogey man, to using nightlights, sayin what your fear(s) were, how you dealt with them, and what you learned along the way. Let your kids and others know it's okay to talk about fear, fearful things/situations, and what to do.
Fourth, use the physical basics to help your mind and body recognize and process fear. These are: good food, adequate rest, correct amounts of water, supplements, moderate exercise, and body/energy work. Also seek professional help, if needed.
A good diet aids the body, mind, and senses in maintaining balance and the ability to properly process any stimulus, whether supporter or stressor. Rest lets us reset our chemicals, glands, organs, and muscles. Hydration keeps the body lubricated, (so we don't tear tissue when moving too fast), and removes toxins like cortisol (the death hormone) that's released in huge amounts when we're scared/stressed.
Supplements like B vitamins, magnesium, and potassium enablethe body to send, receive, and process chemical/electrical information quickly, especially for fight or flight. Moderate exercise and body/energy work both relax us, neutralize/release toxins, and speed the body's recovery from fear based memories.
Common fear storage areas/zones are: temples, neck, shoulders, back, hands, knees, and feet. Other areas are the mind, chest/heart, and digestive tract. However, the majority of the time fear is felt/experienced/stored in our Psoas ("fight or flight" muscles)*. When our Psoas is affected by fear we experience "gut reaction" (tightening to protect our core), short/long term low back/kidney/adrenal pain, unstable core, strain in other muscles, and/or inability to move/raise our legs properly.
Seeking professional medical or holistic help is very beneficial as well. Counseling, and/or balancing the body/mind/emotional processes, can be a huge first step in dealing with fear. People who've done this report a renewed sense of well being and other improvements in their overall quality of life.
*The edges of both the left & right Psoas can be found by lying on your back, with knees bent, and feet flat on floor or massage table. Place your finger tips just inside the ASIS (front top curve of the pelvis).
Roll/push finger tips gently towards the vertical midline of the lower abdomen, while flexing your hips to curve your abdomen in about an inch or two. The Psoas will tighten slightly, & you can then feel these outer edges.
Caution: arteries & veins, as well as sensitive digestive organs, are in the lower abdomen/pelvis, so don't "dig", when palpating/feeling for the Psoas. (See Psoas blog for further information.)
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Thursday, September 10, 2009
Fear - The Society of Fear
Every society, from the beginning of time, on down to our own, has had not only their citizen's individual or personal fear(s), but also community/regional and cultural fears as well.
So how does a society of fear happen?
First, fear is an innate mechanism to protect us. If we didn't have it, we simply wouldn't survive very long. Second, a part of the brain (the amygdala) works to process our emotions. This information then gets stored indefinitely as memories, as well as encoded in our DNA.
Our ancestors learned how to suppress and/or overcome fear, as well. (i.e. - stomp on the spider, avoid dangerous places, or act/be unafraid via peer pressure or reason.)
Fear can also produce a "high", leading to a distorted sense of power. This can, and has, made people think, feel, and believe they can do anything, including controlling others. Numerous examples of this can be found past and present.
Former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski said it best "The 'War on Terror' was intended to generate a culture of fear deliberately because it obscures reason, intensifies emotions, and makes it easier for demagogic politicians to mobilize the public on behalf of the policies they want to pursue."*
This statement pretty well sums up why fear is used for getting a society to be a certain way. Those with control issues use the common fears of pain, war/fighting, loss, and death. However, what's behind all of these is the biggest and deepest fear of all: fear of the unknown. "What if" never has a guaranteed solution, so psychologically, fear can be used long term.
Promoting fear is still used daily, worldwide. There may be truth in many of the situations occurring, however too many of us take at face value what's being said/promoted, rather than taking time to ask questions, or make educated choices.
As our language, technology, and awareness has changed/increased, those who promote fear have gotten more creativ as well. This can be seen especially with things like Astroturfing and Psychographics.
Astroturfing: hiring fake grassroot, including virtual/online, supporters. Also publishing film footage, and/or photos, to sway non supporters.
Psychographics: studying profiles. IAO (interest/activities/opinions) questionnaire. Also polled: attitudes, values, personality, and lifestyle. Info is used to both create the next gotta have item and determine our sense of security/stability.
Fear is an integral part of who and what we, as humans, are. It has been in our societies from the beginning, and still is. However, this doesn't mean we have to hypnotized or ruled by it. When we change, so does our societies, communities, and world.
Part three covers the interesting ways/places we store fear, as well as suggestions for things we can do.
Sources:,,,,, and
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Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Fear - What It Is & Family Members
Just like the maze in this photo, fear is something located within the very center of who we are. Many people find their way in, and/or out, while the majority don't.
Fear is as an "emotional response to a threat*". And since we also come with an innate ability to avoid danger (fight or flight), and have higher senses (sight, touch, smell, hearing, speech & thought) a threat can also be learned.
Originally "fear" meant the event (calamity/disaster) itself, then eventually came to mean the emotional reaction. This probably came about because of observation of the different way people's natural preparedness kicked in to not only present, but to perceived future events, as well. And interestingly enough, fear is now also described as always relating to a "future" event. In other words, our most innate fear, or fear of the unknown (what's going to happen).
So that's what fear is. It's family members are similar, yet different, (like all families) and they are:
Caution: (father) - the ability to take in all the information and proceed carefully. Distrust is sometimes a brother to caution.
Worry: (mother) - the aspects (mental and/or emotional) of a present or future event.
Dread: (oldest) - to anticipate something with fear. "Murphy's Law", if something's going to happen, it will/is not good.
Anxiety: (middle child) - both a psychological (mental/emotional) and physiological (body) response/reaction to a threat. Usually this is from an undefined threat. Can't put your finger on it, but feel/think something isn't quite right.
Panic: (fraternal twin to anxiety)- an acute (right now/immediate) sudden fear, whether the source of the fear is known or not. Panic is describe as "acute anxiety".
Terror: (grandparents) - sudden & pronounced fear before an event occurs. Many times this is what we "see" right at the beginning of something, and/or know that we may have any immediate control over what's started to happen.
Horror: (grandchildren) - shock, disbelief, & mental/emotional detachment after the event.
Phobia: (youngest) - excessive desire to avoid something. Even if the person knows the source of their fear, since it's something "not them" (as with the child learning what's self & not self), it's to be feared. There may or may not be other imbalances associated with phobias. (See parts 2 & 3.)
Paranoia: (wild child) - excessive, and many times, uncontrollable thought process about the unknown, that results in the belief of some kind of harm happening. Paranoia can happen to any one (and not just those chemically unbalanced) for a variety of reasons. And, unfortunately this include societal programming. (See Parts 2 & 3.)
Paranoia is also difficult to treat, as no matter how good the gene pool, support, and etc., this imbalance can occur anytime (short or long term) to anyone. Fortunately, research into the brain, nervous system, and mapping how the energetic systems of the body work, is providing new insight and ways to treat paranoia.
Fear is a two edged knife, as the saying goes. It can be a motivator to cut through illusion, or harm our selves and/or others. For the majority of us/humans, we have the ability to educate our selves about fear, and then choose how to deal with it.
In this 3 part series: Part Two - The Society of Fear: The interesting ways fear has been/ is used (Some you may know, some might surprise you.) Part Three: What We Can Do. How fear affects our bodies ( some common, but mostly unusual places we store fear based thoughts/feelings/memories) and some simple self help suggestions.
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Monday, August 31, 2009
The Psoas
The Psoas Major is a deep internal muscle attached to the front of the vertebrae. It's the true companion* to the Quadratus Lumborum. (The QL is the rectangular hinge muscle that's attached to the back of the vertebrae, ribs, and pelvis).
Also known as the Illiopsoas, it begins in the low back/lumbar vertebrae, goes through the center of the pelvis and attaches to the top end of the femur (thigh bones).
Our Psoas does a number of things, including keeping our low back stable, yet flexible, and raising our knees to our chest.
When our Psoas isn't working properly, we can, and do, have low back pain, tightness, be too flat or swayed, pulling to one side, bulging discs, and trouble raising our legs.
Many people do their work outs and stretches faithfully, in hopes of helping their low back. However, they may only get partial or short term relief. The reason this happens is that they either don't know about their Psoas, or over work their Abs.
Two things are very important for a healthy Psoas. One: maintain proper body weight excess weight and a bulging midriff strains the Psoas). Two: do exercises and stretches that target the Psoas, and/or get body/energy work by someone trained in visceral/motor/proprioceptor techniques that can help reset the Psoas.
Physical exercises that work the Psoas are the "backwards sit up" (done on a physio ball) or on a back sit up machine, and the "V" towel exercise. This is done with a towel held above the head (and parallel to the floor), so you make a "V" with your arms.
Maintain tension on the towel ends and bring the arms about a foot in front of the body, and then back. (Keep towel parallel to floor.) This effectively contracts and relaxes the Psoas as the back and pelvis moves/bends back and forth.
Good yoga stretches for the Psoas include the Cat a Downward Facing Dog. The Feldenkrais pelvic clock or even laying on a rolled up towel (that's been place horizontally under the low back) also work to stretch the Psoas.
Like other muscles, the Psoas needs enough water and Magnesium to make it contract and relax properly. Suggested daily amounts vary from 400 to 800 mg, and Magnesium is more effective when taken with dinner or at bed time.
By properly taking care of the Psoas, it protects and maintains the health of both our core and our low back.
*Companion muscles are defined as being opposite each other on a bone. (Biceps/Triceps, Quads/Hamstrings, & etc.) The Abs attach to our ribs, pelvis, pubic bone, and connective tissue. The Abs do protect our internal organs, help maintain posture, and are important front "hinge" muscles. However, this doesn't make the Abs true companions to the QL, or other back muscles.
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Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Vaccines - Part 5 - What You Can Do
The following self help suggestions can be used as preventative, short term support, or long term follow up. They're also very simple and easy to do.
First, and most important, be reasonably healthy all the time. This consists of drinking plenty of water, eating balanced meals, moderate exercise, and rest.
Second, get a copy of the vaccine handout*. Discuss it, and your medical history, with your primary care provider. The small co-pay is very inexpensive for peace of mind. Or call the local public health office, or look it up on the web.
Third, pay close attention to what your body is telling you after a vaccination. (From when you get the vaccine to as long as six weeks.)
Water - be hydrated. Tea, coffee, juice, pop, and alcohol is "food" to the body, due to the trace nutrients/substances in them. One 8 oz. glass of water (per other beverage) and 50 - 75% water in juices helps neutralize them. Better yet, put one or more bite sized pieces of frozen fruit in a glass of water. They're healthy "colorful ice cubes".
PH - acid/alkaline. Being acidic allows undesirable reactions to occur. Balance acidic foods with alkaline ones. Public libraries, nutrition books, & the web all have lists of these.
Exercise - walking works the whole body & naturally moves the blood and lymph. If you do heavy work outs, steam/sauna/pool, or deep massages/detoxing spa treatments - back off/lighten up. It's also not recommended to do a cleanse. These normally healthy things can push a vaccine through the body too fast, & produce unintentional and/or serious consequences.
Rest - if your body/mind/emotions needs a break, honor this. 99.9% of the world's population has a stressed immune system, & a vaccine makes it work even harder. Sleep, cat naps, meditation, & relaxing baths/showers all help. (Showers/baths not too hot, or over 20 minutes,- any longer can actually irritate the nervous system/body.)
Sulfur foods - broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, & etc. These support the immune system, liver & spleen, help build healthy cell walls, and rid the body of heavy metals.
Fiber - pears, apples, veggies, legumes (especially split peas) and whole grains. Bran, fiber supplements**, or apple pectin tablets can be used, too. Wheat bran does not contain wheat protein & is the only bran known to stimulate healthy bacteria growth in the gut. Apple pectin helps rid the body of toxins, especially heavy metals. The lignins in split peas also do the same.
Vitamins - A to Z, whether a daily multiple or individual nutrients. Tablets are denser & contain higher nutrient content than capsules. If a tablet (either regular or time released) snaps in half easily, it's easier to digest. (Hard to break ones don't & vinegar tests are inaccurate, as our stomach acid/gut enzymes are both acidic/alkaline.) Suggested amounts vary, per person/age/state of health.
VITAMIN C supports the immune system, detoxes the body, builds blood cells, & protects capillaries. ESTER C is the most recommended. It's water soluble, non acidic, can be taken by anyone, and/or in high amounts without producing diarrhea. Suggested amounts are 500 - 2,000 mgs per day. (It can even be found in Wal-Mart.)
Minerals - all, especially Magnesium. Mg works to produce light in our cells, relaxes the body, regulates calcium, & does about 300 enzyme functions. Recommended amounts vary from 400 - 800 mgs per day. Babies usually get what they need from mother's milk (if the mother has proper dietary amounts) & food. Children, depending on age, can require from 300 to 800 mgs per day.
Magnesium oxide (most common type) in large amounts, can produce diarrhea. (Try chelated, orotate, etc.) Mg works the best when taken with dinner/before bedtime. Known fact: over 80% of the world's population (especially women) are Mg deficient, and some people/children are even Mg depleted. This can, and does, produce mental, emotional, and physical instability.
Zinc - recommended daily amounts vary between 15 - 30 mgs. During an illness requirements can go as high as 60 mgs per day, however, too much can produce undesired effects. (Zinc can store/build up in the body.) Zinc supports the immune system, our sense of smell, taste, balance, & hearing, and allows us to perspire/sweat properly.
Bioflavinoids - come from the white inner peel of citrus fruit and buckwheat. (Buckwheat is related to rhubarb, & is not wheat.) Bioflavs are co-factors to Vit C, helping C work better, especially for immune support, blood cells, & capillaries. Recommended amount is 500 - 1500 mgs per day. Better yet, take a Vit C (Ester C) that has Bioflavs added.
Antioxidants - combination of different vitamins, minerals, trace nutrients, and/or herbs. Antios are valuable, but make sure they don't counteract or increase the effects of the vaccine ingredients.
L- Histadine - an essential (we need it daily) amino acid, that prevents cells from exploding. (Cells exploding is also known as an allergic reaction.) Histadine is already in many vaccines to help offset reactions. Suggested daily amounts vary from 500 - 5,000 mgs. Again, even though L-H is essential, consult your care provider or nutritionist before taking extra/large amounts.
Pre/probiotics - healthy bacteria (that help make enzymes, support the immune system, & detox the body) can be found in mother's milk, dairy products, & supplements. Be cautious if you have a dairy allergy, or haven't taken probiotics before. If the body is already stressed, or too much is used too quickly, it can produce gas, constipation, and/or diarrhea. Back off, and/or drink extra water.
Herbs - not recommended for at least several weeks. Herbs are great, because (1) they're a "food" and (2) a natural "medicine". However, they do have the highest risk of producing unintentional interactions/reactions with pharmaceuticals. Be safe/wise & wait the short while before using them again.
Seek immediate medical care for: swelling (injections site, neck, armpits, groin, fingers, toes, or joints), rash, loss of breath or ability to swallow (internal swelling/hives can be life threatening), & inability to focus or stay awake.
Other things to watch for are headaches (including sudden/lingering sensitivity to light or sound) lasting longer than an hour, sudden/sustained fevers or chills, strange/sharp unexplained aches/pains, and constipation or diarrhea that suddenly comes on or doesn't go away within an hour. (Babies, children, people with allergies/pre-existing health problems, & elders need to be closely monitored.)
Other support - Reiki, or other energy work, in short sessions. Support your body, so it can deal with the vaccine, rather than stressing it & going into overwhelm. Be educated, use common sense, & don't second guess about getting medical attention. These simple things can, and do, lessen reactions, prevent long term side effects, and save lives.
* every doctor, nurse, or public health care worker that gives vaccines must provide free vaccine handouts/brochures to the public
** fiber supplements must be taken with sufficient water to prevent choking, digestive disturbances, constipation, or diarrhea
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aches and pains,
medical care,
save lives,
side effects,
Monday, August 10, 2009
Vaccines - Part 4 - Side Effects
Vaccine Side Effects can be viewed as both "truth is stranger than fiction", and "urban legend".
Truth: All vaccine ingredients have known side effects, meaning they cause a "reaction" of some kind. This reaction is simply a chemical change in the body. Vaccines are designed to "stimulate* an immune system reaction", which basically stresses/forces the immune system to produce antibodies against a particular bacteria, virus, or toxin. Many places (schools, day care, employers, military, other countries, etc.) require vaccines, without exception, or whether you agree or disagree.
Legend: All vaccine ingredients are synthetic/toxic. While the majority of ingredients are manufactured, 10 - 50% of the vaccine is from natural sources (sugar, salt, water, etc.). A vaccine makes you immune to a dis-ease, or protects you forever. The reasons vaccines can't/don't are: changes in age, individual body chemistry, illnesses/medications, and new strains of organisms.
So how does a vaccine cause side effects? One, if the immune system is already low or stressed**, the mixed messages causes it to attack all the areas in the body where it senses danger. Two, 50 - 90% of the vaccine contains foreign/potentially deadly toxins, chemicals, and preservatives. Three, some people's immune systems may recognize individual vaccine ingredients, but not when they've been all mixed together.
The body produces "symptoms" (messages) to let us know things are not right. The body's innate intelligence not only displays a symptom where something entered the body, it can/does in other areas, as well. It does this either because that part of the body is already stressed, or the best place to get our attention.
The basic two part reason symptoms vary is: innate intelligence/unique body chemistry, and (approximately) the three days it takes the body to filter all the blood. During that time - depending on how well the liver and spleen works, anything can happen. Once the body has gone into overwhelm, it can also take any where from another three days to years to partially or completely recover, depending on other factors.
Side effects, therefore, can range from swelling, redness at site (or in the eyes, ears, nose, throat, armpits, groin, back of knees, or between fingers and toes), to death.
The most common side effects are: swelling, rashes, headaches, flu like symptoms, flare ups of other allergies, digestive disturbances, pain, mild case of actual dis-ease, and other drug/medication reactions.
Less frequent effects are: long term sensitivities, migraines, continued digestive disturbances or allergies (old or new), moderate case of dis-ease, and immune and/or respiratory problems.
Serious potentially life threatening are: no immunity to dis-ease, convulsions, seizures, shock, heart, lung, liver, or kidney failure, and death.
Any side effect can have the potential to range from simple to deadly. Just because you, or a family member/loved one did or didn't react one time, doesn't mean it'll be that way next time. See Vaccines - Part 5 - What You Can Do.
* "stimulate an immune reaction" is the medical phrase used to describe what a vaccine does
** 95 - 98% of the world's population falls in this category
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immune system,
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world population
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Vaccines - Part 3 - Ingredients
We've all heard about vaccine ingredients. However, even when handed the glossy brochure at the doctor's office, we still feel we need a translator.
This happens because pharmaceutical companies can use trade, registered, or industry names for substances, rather than common names. They can also use copyrighted names that might refer to how the ingredient was processed, rather than indicate what it is. This all combines to make us inclined to simply toss the handout, and most of us do just that.
To help simplify, and in layman's terms, here's some of the common ingredients used in vaccines.
Live or dead protein like substances: bacteria, viruses, or toxins.
Aluminum Hydroxide or Aluminum Sulfate: metal/mineral.
Animal, Human, or Bird Albumin or Serum: horse, beef, pork, human, chicken, etc., proteins, DNA, RNA, or fluids.
Polysorbate 80: humectant/attracts H2O and preservative.
Amino acids: protein building blocks, especially to prevent allergic reactions.
Formalin: formaldehyde.
Sodium chloride: salt.
Sucrose, xylitol, etc.: sugar.
Thimerosal: mercury.
Trace*: any substance, less than .05%, usually residue from manufacturing.
Other Ingredients: preservatives and/or substances related to particular type of vaccine.
Vaccine ingredients can be, and are changed frequently, as stated by the CDC (Center for Disease Control) on their web site. "...manufactors may change product contents before information is reflected here." They can also easily become contaminated by unclean ingredients, equipment, improper storage, or handling.
If you are faced with the decision of being vaccinated, check out the CDC's web site and consult with your doctor. Take a print out of the particular vaccine contents and review your and your family's medical history. If you feel apprehensive about a vaccine, ask/insist an allergy or blood test be done to alleviate fears about reactions, and that you be given a copy of your chart, noting your concern, and any test results.
*Trace - each substance can be less than the .05%, however if there are a number of them, the total % can be much higher. Trace elements are said to be "biologically inactive" at the low (allowable by law) %. However, there is no information available as to the effects of total trace amounts when combined with other vaccine ingredients, and/or other medications.
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amino acids,
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Monday, July 20, 2009
Vaccines - Part 2 - Types of Vaccines
Vaccines are classified in two categories. They're either prophylactic (offset or prevent a future infection), or therapeutic (a treatment or remedy after a problem has occurred).
Prophylactic vaccines are for prevention of childhood or adult dis-eases, like measles, mumps, chicken pox, the flu, or hepatitis.
Therapeutic vaccines are like those used to help treat cocaine addiction. Research is currently being conducted for cancer vaccines, as well. The intent is to be able to give the vaccine to a cancer patient while they already have cancer, to prevent it from growing and/or metastasizing.
Both types of vaccines have known risks and side effects, which each person needs to fully evaluate before being vaccinated.
Stay tuned for: Vaccines - Part 3 - Ingredients, Part 4 - Side Effects, and Part 5 - What You Can Do.
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Vaccines - Part 1 - What They Are
A vaccine is a biological product used to stimulate an immune response. This means researchers and manufacturers take a substance that resembles a microorganism and mix it with other ingredients, so it can be swallowed, injected, applied, or inhaled into the body.
The initial substance can either be living or dead, natural or synthetic. Parts of it can be (and usually is) combined with something else, like other types of proteins or DNA, whether human, plant, or animal. The most common of these proteins/DNA are from horses, chickens, and ducks, and occasionally from beef or pork.
Other substances in the vaccine are designed to both provoke the immune system, as well as neutralize allergic responses. They also act as the carrier (the means to get it into the body), and, more importantly, as preservatives to prolong shelf life.
Vaccines have been used since the late 1700's, originally for smallpox, and are now designed for everything from measles and mumps, to cancer, and cocaine addictions.
Vaccines - Part 2 - Types of Vaccines, Part 3 - Ingredients, Part 4 - Side Effects, and Part 5 - What You Can Do.
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immune response,
immune system,
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Water Quality and Purification
Another important subject related to being hydrated, is the quality of water.
We all know we need clean water, but how to do it a way that's easy on the budget and environment is the question. A water purifier is the most recommended method. However, many people can't afford them or their upkeep, and if the filters aren't changed frequently, can actually become filled with toxins.
Simple things to help purify water are:
Pour water into a clean glass container and leave it sit uncovered for 24 hours. This lets things like chlorine escape and heavier impurities settle to the bottom. Carefully pour into another clean non metallic container with a lid or covering. Wash original container to use again. (Also wash second container when it's empty, before refilling.)
Boil water in non aluminum pan. This removes chlorine, bacteria, and other undesirable things. Let the water cool and carefully pour into a glass container with lid or covering. Sediment may be in the bottom of pan, so wash before re-using. (Wash glass container between refilling.)
Fill a clean clear glass container with water and write or tape positive words or symbols on the outside of container. Water can "read" so make sure words/symbols face the water, rather than facing out. The water can be left in the container or transferred to second clean glass one, again with a lid or covering. Always wash container/s and make sure words/symbols are on clean paper and clearly written. (See Dr. Marasu Emoto's work on water and positive input for water purification.)
Water purification drops or tablets can also be used. Caution: many people are sensitive to iodine based ones (found in drug stores or outdoor/recreation stores), so ask before using this type of water purification method. Another common water purification product is WPD (Water Purification Drops, which is the 28% Sodium Chlorite, and has been used for decades as a water purifier and anti bacterial/viral.
WPD can be purchased from
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Dr. Marasu Emoto,
water purifier
We need water every day to live, and it's estimated the body can go only 3 - 7 days before it expires from lack of water.
This is because our bodies are 75 - 85% water. (Babies are approximately 85% water at birth, and many adults/seniors and those with health problems can be as little as 50%). We're like a giant water balloon, and can go just as flat/lifeless when we're not full of water.
Besides being part of our natural air conditioning, water makes the fluid in our blood and lymph, lubricates our joints, and transports nutrients. It also helps with oxygen utilization.
Water is even more important than food. Most people make a point to eat every day when they're hungry, yet not drink any water when thirsty, and are chronically dehydrated. This means while they may drink some water, they don't get enough. Or they drink other things like coffee, soda, juice, or alcohol.
While an occasional alternate beverage is okay, many over do, or feel they don't need as much water because these drinks are a liquid. Over time, though, the body can't get enough water to do what it's supposed to, and then displays dehydration symptoms. Common ones are headaches, sleeplessness, allergy flare ups, dry skin & hair, low back pain, digestive and/or hormone imbalances, and feeling the need to void the bladder, but not being able to properly or completely.
The recommended daily intake of water is 8, eight ounce glasses. Since so many people are dehydrated, when they do increase their water intake, they might feel worse. This is because the extra water is finally able to flush out all the toxins. Starting slowly and gradually increasing the amount of water you drink is always the best way to go. In other words, your body and bladder will thank you for giving it the water it needs and time to adjust.
When properly hydrated with clean water*, the body is able to maintain itself better, which increases our overall sense of health and well being.
*See blog on Water Quality and Purification.
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"Wavicle" is a word first used in Quantum Physics. It's a hybrid word meaning a particle that acts like a wave, and vice versa.
One of the better known Wavicles is the Electron*. Decades ago there was a great controversy as to what an Electron was, and it's properties.
We now know an Electron really is more of a cloud, rather than anything solid. We also know if an observer thinks/feels/believes an Electron is going to act like a particle, it makes little dot like movements. The same if the observer think/feels/believes it's a wave, it acts like a wave.
Another important aspect is energy has polarity, or positive, negative, or neutral electrical charges. Energy also isn't bound by time, space or distance and can/does travel faster than the speed of light. (Light is energy that's already condensed a bit, and physical matter is energy that's condensed even further.)
Electrons surround every atom and molecule that make up the Multiverses, our Universe/Galaxy, planets, and even our body. They're our original Instant Messengers, and they really like to travel and chat with other Electrons, human or otherwise.
Since Electrons are so social, we can do things like "sense" or know things without being told and can create (or more appropriately) "re-create". To create/re-create, we simply start thinking of something. Our Electrons respond (line up and/or wave), and change the pattern/s, and there's something new, different, or even similar. Pretty amazing!!
* There are many other types of sub atomic particles, such as neutrinos, charms, quarks, etc., that are also considered "Wavicles". The Electron was used in this blog because it's the most well known/studied particle.
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Law of Attraction,
quantum physics,
"E" - energy (with a natural electrical charge or polarity)
"Motion" - movement
"Emotions"- more than one
"Emotional"- state or condition of
Emotions are our "feelings", or innate ability to sense energy in motion, the pattern it makes, and the natural electrical charge attached to the pattern(s).
Energy and the pattern(s) it makes is directly affected by our thoughts. This is evident by the statement of how a person's mood (combined thought and feeling) can change in the blink of an eye. The happens because of how fast energy can move and/or change it's polarity, or charge.
What are your thoughts? Are they higher more positive, neutral, or negative?
Do yo have any that you might want to change? Both thoughts and emotional responses can change quite quickly, as mentioned. However, they do, and can, become a patterned habit from repetition. So to change how we think and feel can take some time, practice, and perseverance.
This is due to the ingrained patterns of how we usually think and feel. (Consider how long many of us have had "old" habits, attitudes, and ways of doing things.) A good way to start is every time you find/catch yourself having a thought or feeling you'd like to change, stop and remind yourself of the new thoughts or feelings you'd rather be having. Keep practicing until the new way is second nature. And don't give up, as a positive change is always well worth the effort!
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and feelings,
perseverance time,
worth the effort
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Salt Scrubs
Salt Scrubs, or glows, are a type of body treatment designed to exfoliate the skin, and help detoxify the lymphatic system.
This is done by either buying or making a "salt scrub". This consists of some type of coarse salt (usually Magnesium Sulfate, better known as Epsom Salt, or a large crystal sea salt). A good quality vegetable oil, especially Olive Oil, is added to the salt to make a grainy paste, that can be spread easily. And it's not recommended to use Baby or Mineral Oil, as these are from petroleum, and known sensitizers.
Recipes for salt scrubs usually begin with 1/2 cup of salt, and 5 tablespoons of oil. More salt or oil can be added if needed. These amounts, at the right consistency, will be more than enough for one person. The salt/oil mixture can also be warmed to facilitate relaxation.
Essential Oils can also be added to the mixture. However, a word of caution. Essential oils can quickly irritate the skin or cause reactions (see blog on Essential Oils). This is true especially if the EO is too strong or contains additives, whether natural or other. Since people can be sensitive to Essential Oils, even if they're organic or third party certified, always ask before adding any.
Please refer to the photos of "Honey Radiance Salt Scrub"*, for a demonstration of how to do a salt scrub. These photos cover the salt scrub application, as well as a mask for the upper chest, neck, and face. The scrub and mask are followed with a body gel, to help nourish the skin even further.
Salt scrubs have been used since before recorded history, and continue to be used in all parts of the world, whether in spas or at home. They not only help to exfoliate the skin and detoxify the body, they're also an excellent way to de-stress.
* Photos of Honey Radiance Salt Scrub can be seen at "Honey Radiance" Salt Scrub, Summer Wine Nourishing Gel, and Strawberry Twist Mask are products shown in photo, and made from all natural ingredients. Product names are copyrighted.
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Saturday, July 4, 2009
The Beautiful Mineral - Magnesium
The Chinese ideogram for Magnesium was the symbols for beautiful and mineral, or mei. It was known to their traditional healers as both a preventative and curative.
Fast forward several centuries. The newly emerging fields of science and medicine demonstrated Magnesium occurs naturally in ocean water, the Earth's crust, and every cell in our body. Present day technology verifies Magnesium, combines with D-Ribose (a natural sugar, see D-Ribose blog) in our cells, and produces light.
So what does this all mean to our health and well being? Simply this. The human body is approximately 75 - 85% water, depending on amount of hydration. Therefore, taking water soluble substances (foods, vitamins, minerals, etc., that mix or combine with water) into the body means they're absorbed faster and more efficiently.
Numerous studies over the past one hundred years have shown the human body needs Magnesium every day to be healthy. And it's now a fact that we only get a small percentage from our diet, and approximately 80% of the world's population is seriously deficient in Magnesium.
Magnesium performs a myriad of functions in the body, which includes: ATP (energy), healthy cell membranes; white and red blood cell formation; helping other vitamins, minerals, and enzymes; heart, nerve and connective tissue functions; balancing the hormones, mind, and emotions; aids in protection against cancer; helps regulate blood sugar and pressure; and assists to protect teeth from cavities.
One of the other most important things Magnesium does it to help Calcium be absorbed, so it doesn't build up excessively in arteries or tissue. When there is an imbalance, (too much Calcium and not enough Magnesium) cramping, stones, spurs, and artery hardening can occur.
The most recognizable form of Magnesium for the body to assimilate and use is Magnesium Chloride. There are other types of Magnesium, such as oxides or sulfates, either of which can have side effects. These side effects range from poor assimilation to diarrhea. In recent years some companies have produced more digestible forms of Magnesium, such as chelates, aspertates, or orotates.
Besides taking Magnesium internally, it can also be done topically. This can be done via a bath, or as a topical skin application. Applying Magnesium to the skin to keep it healthy is becoming very popular, and it's easier than trying to swallow a pill. Topical Magnesium is also an excellent pain reliever, and it doesn't have a history of interfering with other oral supplements or medications. (Always consult with your primary care provider if you have any questions about combining topical Magnesium with anything, especially prescriptions, you may be taking.)
Sources:,,,,,, and "Transdermal Magnesium Therapy", by Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., O.M.D. (hon)
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Fast forward several centuries. The newly emerging fields of science and medicine demonstrated Magnesium occurs naturally in ocean water, the Earth's crust, and every cell in our body. Present day technology verifies Magnesium, combines with D-Ribose (a natural sugar, see D-Ribose blog) in our cells, and produces light.
So what does this all mean to our health and well being? Simply this. The human body is approximately 75 - 85% water, depending on amount of hydration. Therefore, taking water soluble substances (foods, vitamins, minerals, etc., that mix or combine with water) into the body means they're absorbed faster and more efficiently.
Numerous studies over the past one hundred years have shown the human body needs Magnesium every day to be healthy. And it's now a fact that we only get a small percentage from our diet, and approximately 80% of the world's population is seriously deficient in Magnesium.
Magnesium performs a myriad of functions in the body, which includes: ATP (energy), healthy cell membranes; white and red blood cell formation; helping other vitamins, minerals, and enzymes; heart, nerve and connective tissue functions; balancing the hormones, mind, and emotions; aids in protection against cancer; helps regulate blood sugar and pressure; and assists to protect teeth from cavities.
One of the other most important things Magnesium does it to help Calcium be absorbed, so it doesn't build up excessively in arteries or tissue. When there is an imbalance, (too much Calcium and not enough Magnesium) cramping, stones, spurs, and artery hardening can occur.
The most recognizable form of Magnesium for the body to assimilate and use is Magnesium Chloride. There are other types of Magnesium, such as oxides or sulfates, either of which can have side effects. These side effects range from poor assimilation to diarrhea. In recent years some companies have produced more digestible forms of Magnesium, such as chelates, aspertates, or orotates.
Besides taking Magnesium internally, it can also be done topically. This can be done via a bath, or as a topical skin application. Applying Magnesium to the skin to keep it healthy is becoming very popular, and it's easier than trying to swallow a pill. Topical Magnesium is also an excellent pain reliever, and it doesn't have a history of interfering with other oral supplements or medications. (Always consult with your primary care provider if you have any questions about combining topical Magnesium with anything, especially prescriptions, you may be taking.)
Sources:,,,,,, and "Transdermal Magnesium Therapy", by Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., O.M.D. (hon)
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chinese ideogram,
hair and skin,
human body,
magnesium chloride,
ocean water,
pain reliever,
We hear and use this phrase, "Human Being" from birth to death, to describe the people of our planet. I enjoy knowing the definitions of words, and their origins, so a number of years ago I did some research on it. Numerous sources verified my own ideas about the deeply profound meaning and reason we use these two words.
"Hu" - God/Source/Spirit/All That Is
"man" - physical/body, and NOT gender related
"Being" - to "be", the original or natural state of something
Human is, therefore,God/Source in the physical. And being is unconditional love, as expressed by babies, before they "learn" or are "taught" anything else. Being is a natural and inherent given in all living things, our "just is", whether human or otherwise.
Also note, Human Being comes before anything that we may use in describing ourselves or other people, and this includes: gender, race, spiritual/religious, culture, beliefs, or even doing and giving.
I feel we have this powerful phrase, Human Being, for very good reasons. And I encourage people frequently everyday to use it, especially when sending good thoughts, prayers, energy, gratitude/thanks, and blessings to others.
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"Hu" - God/Source/Spirit/All That Is
"man" - physical/body, and NOT gender related
"Being" - to "be", the original or natural state of something
Human is, therefore,God/Source in the physical. And being is unconditional love, as expressed by babies, before they "learn" or are "taught" anything else. Being is a natural and inherent given in all living things, our "just is", whether human or otherwise.
Also note, Human Being comes before anything that we may use in describing ourselves or other people, and this includes: gender, race, spiritual/religious, culture, beliefs, or even doing and giving.
I feel we have this powerful phrase, Human Being, for very good reasons. And I encourage people frequently everyday to use it, especially when sending good thoughts, prayers, energy, gratitude/thanks, and blessings to others.
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The information contained on this site is not intended to diagnose, prescribe, treat, or cure. Nor is it intended to replace the advice of your primary care provider. No liability is assumed by the owner of this site, the author, or editor, related to use or misuse of any information contained herein.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Increasing Mind Power
Many people are searching for ways to increase the use of their mind. They'd like to have better health, more money, improved life style, find the right life partner, and so on. There's a plethora of moderate to high priced training programs, books, DVD's, and CD's. However, there are several very simple no - low cost things you can do that are also effective.
The first is being hydrated, eating reasonably well, being moderately active, and decompressing as often as possible.
The second, and just as important, is to focus for several moments on that good feeling/thoughts you're having when you've achieved a goal, remembered something important, had a really good insight or plan, or received a compliment or thank you. Gradually increase the time to where you can hold those good thoughts and feelings for several minutes frequently throughout the day, week, or month.
So what's this have to do with using our mind better? Science has shown the mind exists in both the physical brain and every cell in our body. The mind isn't divided into a conscious or subconscious, it's just different aspects we're using at a particular time. Also, we do use all of our brain/mind, otherwise we wouldn't be alive, walk, talk, or function. The 10% we're told we use comes from being focused on a specific thing at the moment, while the other 90% is busy taking care of our bodily functions, monitoring our environment, and other necessities.
A special part of the brain, called the insula helps us make appropriate choices, be aware of dangers, and etc., and is affected by all of these things - water, light, nutrients, endorphins, neurotransmitters, and a balance of activity and rest.
When the insula functions properly it's referred to as improved mental functioning, or "right use of mind". Many people who do the simple things mentioned above also feel it increases intuition, creativity, and being able to manifest more of the good things in life that we all desire (The Law of Attraction). The best part is research has been verifying this.
All rights reserved. All blogs and photos on this site are copyrighted, and may not be stored, retrieved, copied, or sold in any form without express permission.
The information contained on this site is not intended to diagnose, prescribe, treat, or cure. Nor is it intended to replace the advice of your primary care provider. No liability is assumed by the owner of this site, the author, or editor, related to use or misuse of any information contained herein.
The first is being hydrated, eating reasonably well, being moderately active, and decompressing as often as possible.
The second, and just as important, is to focus for several moments on that good feeling/thoughts you're having when you've achieved a goal, remembered something important, had a really good insight or plan, or received a compliment or thank you. Gradually increase the time to where you can hold those good thoughts and feelings for several minutes frequently throughout the day, week, or month.
So what's this have to do with using our mind better? Science has shown the mind exists in both the physical brain and every cell in our body. The mind isn't divided into a conscious or subconscious, it's just different aspects we're using at a particular time. Also, we do use all of our brain/mind, otherwise we wouldn't be alive, walk, talk, or function. The 10% we're told we use comes from being focused on a specific thing at the moment, while the other 90% is busy taking care of our bodily functions, monitoring our environment, and other necessities.
A special part of the brain, called the insula helps us make appropriate choices, be aware of dangers, and etc., and is affected by all of these things - water, light, nutrients, endorphins, neurotransmitters, and a balance of activity and rest.
When the insula functions properly it's referred to as improved mental functioning, or "right use of mind". Many people who do the simple things mentioned above also feel it increases intuition, creativity, and being able to manifest more of the good things in life that we all desire (The Law of Attraction). The best part is research has been verifying this.
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The information contained on this site is not intended to diagnose, prescribe, treat, or cure. Nor is it intended to replace the advice of your primary care provider. No liability is assumed by the owner of this site, the author, or editor, related to use or misuse of any information contained herein.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
This site is dedicated to all the things that affect our health and well being. Diet and nutrition, exercise, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects, therapeutic body work and treatments, energy work, research, and products will all be covered.
Photos will accompany the majority of the topics, this includes, but is not limited to:
Massage modalities: Swedish, Therapeutic Massage, Advanced Neuro-muscular, Deep Tissue, Lomi Lomi, Trigger Point, Fascia Release, Stone, Lymphatic Drainage, Pregnancy, and Infant/Child.
Energy work: Traditional/Usui Reiki, Laser Reiki, Uber Reiki (developer/copyright owner, see link for Uber Reiki site), Body Mapping 101, (developer/copyright owner), Advanced Cranial Sacral, Muscle Testing, and dowsing with a pendulum or rod(s).
Spa Treatments: Salt Scrubs/Glows, Skin Brushing, Wraps, Face, Hair and Scalp, Reflexology, Shirodhara, and Aromatherapy.
Products: crystals, salts, clays, feng shui, jewlery, personal care, and more!
Class Schedule: mine, as well as others of interest.
Links: (site is about Reiki) (site for arts, crafts, crystals, feng shui, natural care products, etc.)
Links to other sites, especially from guest authors, or about specific products, interesting subjects or people, will be posted in their respective blog entries.
All rights reserved. All blogs and photos on this site are copyrighted, and may not be stored, retrieved, copied, or sold in any form without express permission.
The information contained on this site is not intended to diagnose, prescribe, treat, or cure. Nor is it intended to replace the advice of your primary care provider. No liability is assumed by the owner of this site, the author, or editor, related to use or misuse of any information contained herein.
Photos will accompany the majority of the topics, this includes, but is not limited to:
Massage modalities: Swedish, Therapeutic Massage, Advanced Neuro-muscular, Deep Tissue, Lomi Lomi, Trigger Point, Fascia Release, Stone, Lymphatic Drainage, Pregnancy, and Infant/Child.
Energy work: Traditional/Usui Reiki, Laser Reiki, Uber Reiki (developer/copyright owner, see link for Uber Reiki site), Body Mapping 101, (developer/copyright owner), Advanced Cranial Sacral, Muscle Testing, and dowsing with a pendulum or rod(s).
Spa Treatments: Salt Scrubs/Glows, Skin Brushing, Wraps, Face, Hair and Scalp, Reflexology, Shirodhara, and Aromatherapy.
Products: crystals, salts, clays, feng shui, jewlery, personal care, and more!
Class Schedule: mine, as well as others of interest.
Links: (site is about Reiki) (site for arts, crafts, crystals, feng shui, natural care products, etc.)
Links to other sites, especially from guest authors, or about specific products, interesting subjects or people, will be posted in their respective blog entries.
All rights reserved. All blogs and photos on this site are copyrighted, and may not be stored, retrieved, copied, or sold in any form without express permission.
The information contained on this site is not intended to diagnose, prescribe, treat, or cure. Nor is it intended to replace the advice of your primary care provider. No liability is assumed by the owner of this site, the author, or editor, related to use or misuse of any information contained herein.
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