Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Beautiful Mineral - Magnesium

The Chinese ideogram for Magnesium was the symbols for beautiful and mineral, or mei. It was known to their traditional healers as both a preventative and curative.

Fast forward several centuries. The newly emerging fields of science and medicine demonstrated Magnesium occurs naturally in ocean water, the Earth's crust, and every cell in our body. Present day technology verifies Magnesium, combines with D-Ribose (a natural sugar, see D-Ribose blog) in our cells, and produces light.

So what does this all mean to our health and well being? Simply this. The human body is approximately 75 - 85% water, depending on amount of hydration. Therefore, taking water soluble substances (foods, vitamins, minerals, etc., that mix or combine with water) into the body means they're absorbed faster and more efficiently.

Numerous studies over the past one hundred years have shown the human body needs Magnesium every day to be healthy. And it's now a fact that we only get a small percentage from our diet, and approximately 80% of the world's population is seriously deficient in Magnesium.

Magnesium performs a myriad of functions in the body, which includes: ATP (energy), healthy cell membranes; white and red blood cell formation; helping other vitamins, minerals, and enzymes; heart, nerve and connective tissue functions; balancing the hormones, mind, and emotions; aids in protection against cancer; helps regulate blood sugar and pressure; and assists to protect teeth from cavities.

One of the other most important things Magnesium does it to help Calcium be absorbed, so it doesn't build up excessively in arteries or tissue. When there is an imbalance, (too much Calcium and not enough Magnesium) cramping, stones, spurs, and artery hardening can occur.

The most recognizable form of Magnesium for the body to assimilate and use is Magnesium Chloride. There are other types of Magnesium, such as oxides or sulfates, either of which can have side effects. These side effects range from poor assimilation to diarrhea. In recent years some companies have produced more digestible forms of Magnesium, such as chelates, aspertates, or orotates.

Besides taking Magnesium internally, it can also be done topically. This can be done via a bath, or as a topical skin application. Applying Magnesium to the skin to keep it healthy is becoming very popular, and it's easier than trying to swallow a pill. Topical Magnesium is also an excellent pain reliever, and it doesn't have a history of interfering with other oral supplements or medications. (Always consult with your primary care provider if you have any questions about combining topical Magnesium with anything, especially prescriptions, you may be taking.)

Sources:,,,,,, and "Transdermal Magnesium Therapy", by Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., O.M.D. (hon)

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