Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Vaccines - Part 3 - Ingredients

We've all heard about vaccine ingredients. However, even when handed the glossy brochure at the doctor's office, we still feel we need a translator.

This happens because pharmaceutical companies can use trade, registered, or industry names for substances, rather than common names. They can also use copyrighted names that might refer to how the ingredient was processed, rather than indicate what it is. This all combines to make us inclined to simply toss the handout, and most of us do just that.

To help simplify, and in layman's terms, here's some of the common ingredients used in vaccines.

Live or dead protein like substances: bacteria, viruses, or toxins.
Aluminum Hydroxide or Aluminum Sulfate: metal/mineral.
Animal, Human, or Bird Albumin or Serum: horse, beef, pork, human, chicken, etc., proteins, DNA, RNA, or fluids.
Polysorbate 80: humectant/attracts H2O and preservative.
Amino acids: protein building blocks, especially to prevent allergic reactions.
Formalin: formaldehyde.
Sodium chloride: salt.
Sucrose, xylitol, etc.: sugar.
Thimerosal: mercury.
Trace*: any substance, less than .05%, usually residue from manufacturing.
Other Ingredients: preservatives and/or substances related to particular type of vaccine.

Vaccine ingredients can be, and are changed frequently, as stated by the CDC (Center for Disease Control) on their web site. "...manufactors may change product contents before information is reflected here." They can also easily become contaminated by unclean ingredients, equipment, improper storage, or handling.

If you are faced with the decision of being vaccinated, check out the CDC's web site and consult with your doctor. Take a print out of the particular vaccine contents and review your and your family's medical history. If you feel apprehensive about a vaccine, ask/insist an allergy or blood test be done to alleviate fears about reactions, and that you be given a copy of your chart, noting your concern, and any test results.

*Trace - each substance can be less than the .05%, however if there are a number of them, the total % can be much higher. Trace elements are said to be "biologically inactive" at the low (allowable by law) %. However, there is no information available as to the effects of total trace amounts when combined with other vaccine ingredients, and/or other medications.

Sources:,, and

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Monday, July 20, 2009

Vaccines - Part 2 - Types of Vaccines

Vaccines are classified in two categories. They're either prophylactic (offset or prevent a future infection), or therapeutic (a treatment or remedy after a problem has occurred).

Prophylactic vaccines are for prevention of childhood or adult dis-eases, like measles, mumps, chicken pox, the flu, or hepatitis.

Therapeutic vaccines are like those used to help treat cocaine addiction. Research is currently being conducted for cancer vaccines, as well. The intent is to be able to give the vaccine to a cancer patient while they already have cancer, to prevent it from growing and/or metastasizing.

Both types of vaccines have known risks and side effects, which each person needs to fully evaluate before being vaccinated.

Stay tuned for: Vaccines - Part 3 - Ingredients, Part 4 - Side Effects, and Part 5 - What You Can Do.

Sources:,, and

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Vaccines - Part 1 - What They Are

A vaccine is a biological product used to stimulate an immune response. This means researchers and manufacturers take a substance that resembles a microorganism and mix it with other ingredients, so it can be swallowed, injected, applied, or inhaled into the body.

The initial substance can either be living or dead, natural or synthetic. Parts of it can be (and usually is) combined with something else, like other types of proteins or DNA, whether human, plant, or animal. The most common of these proteins/DNA are from horses, chickens, and ducks, and occasionally from beef or pork.

Other substances in the vaccine are designed to both provoke the immune system, as well as neutralize allergic responses. They also act as the carrier (the means to get it into the body), and, more importantly, as preservatives to prolong shelf life.

Vaccines have been used since the late 1700's, originally for smallpox, and are now designed for everything from measles and mumps, to cancer, and cocaine addictions.

Vaccines - Part 2 - Types of Vaccines, Part 3 - Ingredients, Part 4 - Side Effects, and Part 5 - What You Can Do.

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Sources:,, and

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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Water Quality and Purification

Another important subject related to being hydrated, is the quality of water.

We all know we need clean water, but how to do it a way that's easy on the budget and environment is the question. A water purifier is the most recommended method. However, many people can't afford them or their upkeep, and if the filters aren't changed frequently, can actually become filled with toxins.

Simple things to help purify water are:

Pour water into a clean glass container and leave it sit uncovered for 24 hours. This lets things like chlorine escape and heavier impurities settle to the bottom. Carefully pour into another clean non metallic container with a lid or covering. Wash original container to use again. (Also wash second container when it's empty, before refilling.)

Boil water in non aluminum pan. This removes chlorine, bacteria, and other undesirable things. Let the water cool and carefully pour into a glass container with lid or covering. Sediment may be in the bottom of pan, so wash before re-using. (Wash glass container between refilling.)

Fill a clean clear glass container with water and write or tape positive words or symbols on the outside of container. Water can "read" so make sure words/symbols face the water, rather than facing out. The water can be left in the container or transferred to second clean glass one, again with a lid or covering. Always wash container/s and make sure words/symbols are on clean paper and clearly written. (See Dr. Marasu Emoto's work on water and positive input for water purification.)

Water purification drops or tablets can also be used. Caution: many people are sensitive to iodine based ones (found in drug stores or outdoor/recreation stores), so ask before using this type of water purification method. Another common water purification product is WPD (Water Purification Drops, which is the 28% Sodium Chlorite, and has been used for decades as a water purifier and anti bacterial/viral.

WPD can be purchased from

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We need water every day to live, and it's estimated the body can go only 3 - 7 days before it expires from lack of water.

This is because our bodies are 75 - 85% water. (Babies are approximately 85% water at birth, and many adults/seniors and those with health problems can be as little as 50%). We're like a giant water balloon, and can go just as flat/lifeless when we're not full of water.

Besides being part of our natural air conditioning, water makes the fluid in our blood and lymph, lubricates our joints, and transports nutrients. It also helps with oxygen utilization.

Water is even more important than food. Most people make a point to eat every day when they're hungry, yet not drink any water when thirsty, and are chronically dehydrated. This means while they may drink some water, they don't get enough. Or they drink other things like coffee, soda, juice, or alcohol.

While an occasional alternate beverage is okay, many over do, or feel they don't need as much water because these drinks are a liquid. Over time, though, the body can't get enough water to do what it's supposed to, and then displays dehydration symptoms. Common ones are headaches, sleeplessness, allergy flare ups, dry skin & hair, low back pain, digestive and/or hormone imbalances, and feeling the need to void the bladder, but not being able to properly or completely.

The recommended daily intake of water is 8, eight ounce glasses. Since so many people are dehydrated, when they do increase their water intake, they might feel worse. This is because the extra water is finally able to flush out all the toxins. Starting slowly and gradually increasing the amount of water you drink is always the best way to go. In other words, your body and bladder will thank you for giving it the water it needs and time to adjust.

When properly hydrated with clean water*, the body is able to maintain itself better, which increases our overall sense of health and well being.

*See blog on Water Quality and Purification.

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"Wavicle" is a word first used in Quantum Physics. It's a hybrid word meaning a particle that acts like a wave, and vice versa.

One of the better known Wavicles is the Electron*. Decades ago there was a great controversy as to what an Electron was, and it's properties.

We now know an Electron really is more of a cloud, rather than anything solid. We also know if an observer thinks/feels/believes an Electron is going to act like a particle, it makes little dot like movements. The same if the observer think/feels/believes it's a wave, it acts like a wave.

Another important aspect is energy has polarity, or positive, negative, or neutral electrical charges. Energy also isn't bound by time, space or distance and can/does travel faster than the speed of light. (Light is energy that's already condensed a bit, and physical matter is energy that's condensed even further.)

Electrons surround every atom and molecule that make up the Multiverses, our Universe/Galaxy, planets, and even our body. They're our original Instant Messengers, and they really like to travel and chat with other Electrons, human or otherwise.

Since Electrons are so social, we can do things like "sense" or know things without being told and can create (or more appropriately) "re-create". To create/re-create, we simply start thinking of something. Our Electrons respond (line up and/or wave), and change the pattern/s, and there's something new, different, or even similar. Pretty amazing!!

* There are many other types of sub atomic particles, such as neutrinos, charms, quarks, etc., that are also considered "Wavicles". The Electron was used in this blog because it's the most well known/studied particle.

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"E" - energy (with a natural electrical charge or polarity)
"Motion" - movement

"Emotions"- more than one
"Emotional"- state or condition of

Emotions are our "feelings", or innate ability to sense energy in motion, the pattern it makes, and the natural electrical charge attached to the pattern(s).

Energy and the pattern(s) it makes is directly affected by our thoughts. This is evident by the statement of how a person's mood (combined thought and feeling) can change in the blink of an eye. The happens because of how fast energy can move and/or change it's polarity, or charge.

What are your thoughts? Are they higher more positive, neutral, or negative?

Do yo have any that you might want to change? Both thoughts and emotional responses can change quite quickly, as mentioned. However, they do, and can, become a patterned habit from repetition. So to change how we think and feel can take some time, practice, and perseverance.

This is due to the ingrained patterns of how we usually think and feel. (Consider how long many of us have had "old" habits, attitudes, and ways of doing things.) A good way to start is every time you find/catch yourself having a thought or feeling you'd like to change, stop and remind yourself of the new thoughts or feelings you'd rather be having. Keep practicing until the new way is second nature. And don't give up, as a positive change is always well worth the effort!

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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Salt Scrubs


Salt Scrubs, or glows, are a type of body treatment designed to exfoliate the skin, and help detoxify the lymphatic system.

This is done by either buying or making a "salt scrub". This consists of some type of coarse salt (usually Magnesium Sulfate, better known as Epsom Salt, or a large crystal sea salt). A good quality vegetable oil, especially Olive Oil, is added to the salt to make a grainy paste, that can be spread easily. And it's not recommended to use Baby or Mineral Oil, as these are from petroleum, and known sensitizers.

Recipes for salt scrubs usually begin with 1/2 cup of salt, and 5 tablespoons of oil. More salt or oil can be added if needed. These amounts, at the right consistency, will be more than enough for one person. The salt/oil mixture can also be warmed to facilitate relaxation.

Essential Oils can also be added to the mixture. However, a word of caution. Essential oils can quickly irritate the skin or cause reactions (see blog on Essential Oils). This is true especially if the EO is too strong or contains additives, whether natural or other. Since people can be sensitive to Essential Oils, even if they're organic or third party certified, always ask before adding any.

Please refer to the photos of "Honey Radiance Salt Scrub"*, for a demonstration of how to do a salt scrub. These photos cover the salt scrub application, as well as a mask for the upper chest, neck, and face. The scrub and mask are followed with a body gel, to help nourish the skin even further.

Salt scrubs have been used since before recorded history, and continue to be used in all parts of the world, whether in spas or at home. They not only help to exfoliate the skin and detoxify the body, they're also an excellent way to de-stress.

* Photos of Honey Radiance Salt Scrub can be seen at "Honey Radiance" Salt Scrub, Summer Wine Nourishing Gel, and Strawberry Twist Mask are products shown in photo, and made from all natural ingredients. Product names are copyrighted.

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Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Beautiful Mineral - Magnesium

The Chinese ideogram for Magnesium was the symbols for beautiful and mineral, or mei. It was known to their traditional healers as both a preventative and curative.

Fast forward several centuries. The newly emerging fields of science and medicine demonstrated Magnesium occurs naturally in ocean water, the Earth's crust, and every cell in our body. Present day technology verifies Magnesium, combines with D-Ribose (a natural sugar, see D-Ribose blog) in our cells, and produces light.

So what does this all mean to our health and well being? Simply this. The human body is approximately 75 - 85% water, depending on amount of hydration. Therefore, taking water soluble substances (foods, vitamins, minerals, etc., that mix or combine with water) into the body means they're absorbed faster and more efficiently.

Numerous studies over the past one hundred years have shown the human body needs Magnesium every day to be healthy. And it's now a fact that we only get a small percentage from our diet, and approximately 80% of the world's population is seriously deficient in Magnesium.

Magnesium performs a myriad of functions in the body, which includes: ATP (energy), healthy cell membranes; white and red blood cell formation; helping other vitamins, minerals, and enzymes; heart, nerve and connective tissue functions; balancing the hormones, mind, and emotions; aids in protection against cancer; helps regulate blood sugar and pressure; and assists to protect teeth from cavities.

One of the other most important things Magnesium does it to help Calcium be absorbed, so it doesn't build up excessively in arteries or tissue. When there is an imbalance, (too much Calcium and not enough Magnesium) cramping, stones, spurs, and artery hardening can occur.

The most recognizable form of Magnesium for the body to assimilate and use is Magnesium Chloride. There are other types of Magnesium, such as oxides or sulfates, either of which can have side effects. These side effects range from poor assimilation to diarrhea. In recent years some companies have produced more digestible forms of Magnesium, such as chelates, aspertates, or orotates.

Besides taking Magnesium internally, it can also be done topically. This can be done via a bath, or as a topical skin application. Applying Magnesium to the skin to keep it healthy is becoming very popular, and it's easier than trying to swallow a pill. Topical Magnesium is also an excellent pain reliever, and it doesn't have a history of interfering with other oral supplements or medications. (Always consult with your primary care provider if you have any questions about combining topical Magnesium with anything, especially prescriptions, you may be taking.)

Sources:,,,,,, and "Transdermal Magnesium Therapy", by Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., O.M.D. (hon)

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We hear and use this phrase, "Human Being" from birth to death, to describe the people of our planet. I enjoy knowing the definitions of words, and their origins, so a number of years ago I did some research on it. Numerous sources verified my own ideas about the deeply profound meaning and reason we use these two words.

"Hu" - God/Source/Spirit/All That Is
"man" - physical/body, and NOT gender related
"Being" - to "be", the original or natural state of something

Human is, therefore,God/Source in the physical. And being is unconditional love, as expressed by babies, before they "learn" or are "taught" anything else. Being is a natural and inherent given in all living things, our "just is", whether human or otherwise.

Also note, Human Being comes before anything that we may use in describing ourselves or other people, and this includes: gender, race, spiritual/religious, culture, beliefs, or even doing and giving.

I feel we have this powerful phrase, Human Being, for very good reasons. And I encourage people frequently everyday to use it, especially when sending good thoughts, prayers, energy, gratitude/thanks, and blessings to others.

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